December 14, 2007

Fancy Soccer ball : Saves refs from beating


In the soccer world what you really do not want to be is a referee especially the one that makes a wrong call . What I mean is that soccer fans are animals. For example Europe has accepted the fact that after every match there will be a set of teenagers roaming the streets just to get their hands on someone and take out all thats bundled up in them for the loss of their favorite team. Just imagine the referee getting caught in their hands . Luckily, there's a fancy new soccer ball that'll take some of the pressure off of refs.

It's loaded up with sensors, and when it passes across the goal line, an encrypted signal is sent to a special watch that the referee is wearing letting him know that the goal is indeed legitimate. Apparently the tech inside isn't so sensitive that it can't be kicked all over the place, and you've got to assume that intercepting the signal wouldn't really be worthwhile, as even if the refs watch goes off when the ball is at mid-field he probably won't call it a goal. And really, this should cut down on violence aimed at refs. After all, beating up a fancy soccer ball can't be nearly as satisfying.

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